The Importance of Blog Widgets

coffee shop brunette

Hello there my lovelies!

XOXOAHY here, back with another blog tip to make your blogs better than they already are!  As the title points out, this specific post will give a few pointers about your blog’s sidebar and footer widgets.

Now sidebar widgets aren’t really something bloggers think to much about when putting up a new makeover or when making changes to their blogs, except maybe when they change the gif or picture in their sidebar.  Granted, they aren’t the most important things in a blog makeover, but they still shouldn’t be overlooked.  Widgets are kind of like the bow that gets wrapped around a present…they tie everything together.

If you look around on other peoples’ blogs, you’re most likely to see the widgets on the right or left sides of the blog.  However there are options to have the widgets in other places such as the footer of the blog.  Don’t be afraid of changing it!  Another thing that can be changed and mixed up is the order of the widgets on your blog.  The most common thing to see in a sidebar is: Image, text, follow button, blog stats.  Maybe every once in a while that could be changed?! Make the image widget the last in the row…make the blog stats the first in the row…add a new kind of widget such as the ‘Twitter Timeline’ widget if you have a twitter account to match your blog or the calendar widget to show which days of the month you’ve posted on.

If you do use the image widget, don’t forget to make sure the image goes with your makeover!  You don’t want to have a picture of blooming flowers in a spring field if your makeover is beach and summer themed or have a black & white gif of your FC if your makeover is bright and colourful!

All in all, just don’t be afraid to shake it up and mix it up when it comes to your blog widgets.  Sometimes there’s too much of the same.  Change can be good!

This month’s AIT is OXMassieBlock!  Go check out her blog!

xoxo, Leesh

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